Our Chautauqua County SCOPE Chapter banner.
You can see it with us at all of our events either taped to the front of the table or up in the air behind our booth. Like it? It was based upon SCOPENY’s website banner. Our version designed and created by Vacanti’s Extreme Signs in Fredonia.
Our Mission:
Our continuing mission of S.C.O.P.E. (Chautauqua County Chapter) is to preserve and protect the civil rights of New York State citizens from the tyranny of elitists who see themselves as above the laws of our land and the populace as mere serfs deserving no civil rights at all.
Who are we?
We are the Chautauqua County Committee of S.C.O.P.E. (we will become an official chapter in March of 2014 after being in existence for one year).
What is S.C.O.P.E.?
S.C.O.P.E. NY (Shooters Committee On Political Education) is a New York State wide organization that was founded back in the 1960’s. Most of us had never heard of it before Governor Cuomo’s bid towards the Presidency in 2016 by beating President Obama to the punch on gun control.
When do we meet?
We meet every third Tuesday of every month at the VFW in Mayville at 7:00 pm. We try to limit our meetings to a maximum of one and one-half hours. Although many are still hanging around and talking with our guests until 9:30.
Where do you meet?
Mayville VFW Post 8647, 10 Memorial Dr, Mayville, NY. Memorial Drive is located between Webb’s and Chautauqua Suites
The “SAFE Act” does virtually nothing to criminals or the insane people in the world, however it does seek to make criminals out of ordinary citizens with a felony conviction. Got too many rounds in the magazine or own one of those evil guns with one one feature that in the eyes of New York State government makes it an assault weapon and you are suddenly a felon who is classified worse than a child molester.
How to contact us:
Will Conta, Chairman
e-mail: will.conta@windstream.net
phone: (716) 857-0382
Ben Wassell, Vice-Chairman
Craig Barmore, Treasurer
e-mail: bizoppglobal@gmail.com
Paul Weatherlow, Secretary
e-mail: paulweatherlow@roadrunner.com
How to Donate to the parent state organization:
How to donate to the Chautauqua County SCOPE Committee :
Donate to the Chautauqua County SCOPE Committee via check – no PayPal at this time
Please address your check to “SCOPE Chautauqua County Chapter”
and mail your check to:
Chautauqua County SCOPE Committee
C/O Treasurer
2927 Open Meadows Road
Ashville, NY 14710
Donations from the “REPEAL THE SAFE ACT” yard signs, donations from the bumper stickers, and outright donations directly to us are the only sources of income that the Chautauqua County Chapter of SCOPE has. Out of this money comes the original cost of the yard signs and the bumper stickers. Also out of this money comes the cost of our bags of literature (pages of information, SCOPE membership brochure, etc.). Also out of this money comes some of our gasoline costs for attending the various sportsman’s shows and events.
We get nothing from each $25 membership, so please help when you can towards our efforts to save our civil rights.
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